How it works


Please read and consent to our Terms and Agreements

Clients contact must be provided.

Job reference must be provided

Every item is subject to an initial 4 days rental period. Rentals that exceed the 4 day booking will be charge an extra rental period in respect of the dates requested.

Same day orders by default are charged an extra fee of 40£ to allow for labor and processing.

Flats can be painted and canvased. No adhesive materials can be applied.Staples must be removed from the surface.

All plinths can be painted. No adhesive materials can be applied.

Flooring must be returned, rolled up and taped as it is sent out. Adhesives must be removed after use.

When creating an order, the time chosen for pick up and drop off must be honoured. If that time needs to be changed please contact us.

Donating items surrenders the clients ownership of these items furthermore and they become the property of Set Swap Library.

Payments have to be made before collecting.

Orders can be withheld if payment is not made in advance.

50% of the total amount of the order is collected at check out and is non-refundable. 


A damage fee of 100% applied to the value of items deemed damaged or altered without consent.

Floorings returned without their inner tubes will be charged a replacement fee.

Floorings that are returned folded or not rolled up properly and considered damaged will be charged a damaged fee subject to the value of the item.

If not arranged in advanced, any late return will be charged additional rental periods according to the dates.

Orders made between Friday 6pm and Monday 9am have an out of office hours fee.